Friday, April 17, 2009


Yeah for compost! and WNYC!

As I dumped my compost into the drop off bin at the farmers market last Saturday, I was briefly interviewed by Amy Eddings from NPR's popular New York affiliate: WNYC. I was happy because I support composting, and I love WNYC! It was fun to hear she used a little part of our conversation in the intro for her piece about compost on the Brian Lehrer show this morning.

Check it out:

If you want to learn a bit about composting, here are a few informative links:

If you have the space for your own compost project, or if you are lucky enough to have a farmers market with compost drop off, I highly recommend taking advantage of it. It's easy and rewarding (your garden and the environment will thank you.) Also, separating out all the organic material eliminates the possibility of a stinky garbage, (a major consideration in a tiny apartment), and prevents your leftovers from hanging out in a landfill tell the end of time.

Happy Composting!!

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